Property Tax Payment Calculator

Simply enter the amount you owe in property taxes and an estimated monthly payment below. Then your savings with a property tax loan will automatically calculate. Your actual payment with us may be slightly higher or lower depending on your individual circumstances and loan preferences; this calculator assumes a 120 month loan.

Additionally, payments shown below have a portion of each payment going toward paying down your loan’s outstanding principal balance. The city payments include NO tax obligation reduction and represent only the accumulation of their interest, penalties and attorney collection fees.

Numbers only!

Save ???
by getting a loan
from El Paso Property Tax Loans

Savings Calculator

EPPTL County Charges
Total at end of one year

*Note: Some Texas counties might charge up to an additional 20% effective July 1 for attorney collection fees. Almost all counties do charge the full 20% extra fee so we used this in the above example. You can contact the city of El Paso to see how much they charge.  If they charge less, the loan savings will be less than above. You will still save money with a property tax loan, regardless of the extra 20%. The attorney collection fee applies at the time of collection on the total outstanding amount. If the city of El Paso has initiated a lawsuit on your property, there will also be additional charges which will also be subject to the extra attorney collection fee. Our above example doesn’t take into account or include extra lawsuit related fees.